Sunday, July 22, 2007


I have played guitar from recentuly. I am sorry for it is noisy when it is lunch time and after shool because I play the guitar. Anyway I would like to buy a new guitar which will be first gutar for me. So I wanna get your opinin for buying the gutar. If you see this coments, I hope you would coments for me with your opinion.


This is Rei

Hi, I came back here about a week ago.
I think I had a good rest in Japan.
Anyway, I was surprised how cold it was when I came back.
It's been so cold lately especially in the morning and night.
I wish every morning I could stay in the bed much longer.
I drink a glass of water to wake myself up in the morning.
That's it.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What's going on!!!!???

I can't believe that there are too many couples at UIL.
They makes me angry, because I don't wanna see them, I have to see them as long as I am at UIL... Where does couple made from...? I can't believe them. Especially, them!!!!!!(ーー;) Actually I wanna Oill them, anyway.

by Takashi